The Number One accessory for CrossFit and how to do it right.

CrossFit, or Functional fitness, is a very comprehensive exercise modality. Yet, it seems to have one glaring weakness. You can’t even count the amount of exercises the sport has in vertical presses and vertical pulls. Handstand push-ups, pull-ups (kipping counts, you just don’t know how to do it), jerks, muscle-ups, handstand walks, rope climbs… All of these are great exercises, but as you may imagine, these are in a very similar movement pattern. I didn’t mention push-ups and bench presses, which especially have recently gotten more love from competition organizers. However, horizontal pushing is the less involved movement pattern compared to vertical pushing in functional fitness. There is still one elemental movement pattern missing from all this. And you never see these in competitions. Horizontal pulling. These include any type of rowing movements, where you are pulling the resistance towards your body. Even though pull-ups and its derivatives do work the back qu...